
We specialize in providing professional and expert advice based on knowledge and experience in all areas related to People, Change, HR Strategy, Learning and Leadership.

Helping you solve problems to Grow, Perform and Succeed.

  • Consulting allows you to tap into someone else’s experience and knowledge. We stay up to date with trends, research, and industry standards to provide you with the best possible solutions.

    As a result consulting gives you:

    -Access to expertise

    -Cost Savings

    -Time Savings


    -Customized solutions

  • Although Coaching and Consulting are similar in focusing on achieving results, there are a few important differences:

    Coaching is a partnership of equals where consulting is based on the consultant ‘being an expert’.

    In coaching the client is always in the driver’s seat and the client owns the decision making and solution. In Consulting, the expert provides opinions and recommendations.

  • Since each organization and their challenges and solutions are different, there is no standard consulting engagement.

    We specialize in meeting the customer’s needs and each engagement is customized to the client and specified in a proposal and agreed in a contract.

    For example, some organizations and entrepreneurs have agreed weekly consulting calls where topics are discussed and resolved as they arise.

    Other projects are complex and stretch over months and have specific deadlines and deliverables.


What to Expect


Confidential Space

Personalized, Professional, Confidential Advice.

Depth and Breadth of Knowledge

Wide array of expertise means we have a large toolbox to draw upon to find the right solution for you.

Global Mindset

Deep respect for diversity and difference means solutions are bespoke based on your unique requirements.

“What got you here,

won’t get you there.”

-Marshall Goldsmith

Common Consulting Areas

  • Management and Leadership

    -Facilitating people related decision making

    -Managing performance

    -Developing leaders

  • Human Resource Alignment

    -Aligning HR with organizational goals

    -Creating consistency and cohesiveness

    -Supporting HR development

  • Organizational Effectiveness

    -Evaluating and improving policy and processes

    -Conducting focus groups and assessments

    -Facilitating problem-solving

  • Change Management

    -Advising or managing transformation projects

    -Implementing systems and processes

    -Creating behavioral change and cultural shifts

  • Learning and Development

    -Assessing competencies and creating plans

    -Designing, implementing and evaluating programs

    -Delivering training and coaching

  • Organizational Initiatives

    -Designing new organizational structures

    -Implementing new ways of working

    -Facilitating ‘Empowering People in the Workplace”